
What measures should be taken to achieve the standard of cleanliness of electronic dust-free workshop

Industrial modular Clean Room time:2023/03/15 17:04:20 click:146

General electronic dust-free workshop has a very clean air volume, in order to achieve such a standard, then it is necessary to choose high energy efficiency or sub-high energy efficiency filter (low clean level as the terminal filter). The air entering the electronic dust-free workshop is protected by terminal grade filtration. Based on more than 10 years of design and construction experience, Hejie Technology electronic purification project adopts protection terminal filter and prolonging its life from the consideration of economy and cost saving. In the solution, the air is filtered through medium effect filter.

What measures should be taken to achieve the standard of cleanliness of electronic dust-free workshop

In addition to clean air supply to ensure the cleanliness of the air in the electronic dust-free workshop, there should be a reasonable air distribution flow pattern. For example, the vortex area should be avoided in the working area. The standard is to try to make the air with high cleanliness into the room directly reach the working area. The flow of air is conducive to purifying the particles in the dust-free workshop from the return air outlet. To ensure the cleanliness of the air in the electronic dust-free workshop, there should be a reasonable airflow distribution flow pattern.

With clean air and reasonable airflow distribution, electronic dust-free workshop needs enough air supply. The air supply volume needs to choose the appropriate air supply equipment according to the specification and size of the electronic dust-free workshop, which can not only dilute the dust concentration of the air, but also ensure a stable air flow pattern. Choose air purification equipment according to the types of pollutants that need to be purified, or directly choose the fresh air system that can realize fresh air, which is also the characteristics of its strong applicability.

As the purification filter bladder tends to saturation, the adsorption capacity of the purifier will decrease, so customers should choose the purification filter bladder with repeated use function, in order to extend its life, choose the quality verified products, quality assurance. Good filtration materials (such as high energy efficiency air filter filter material) adsorption 0.3 micron above the capacity of more than 99.9%; If the indoor smoke pollution is heavy, the purification equipment with better dust removal effect can be selected for construction. If the air is not circulating, the fresh air system with fresh air exhaust can be selected.