
Food aseptic workshop decoration need to do what preparatory work
How to develop suitable for the owner's own purification project decoration scheme? For food aseptic workshop decoration construction need to do those preparatory work? The following is a detailed introduction by the purification company's Xiaobian
http://www.cleanroom-china.cnIndustrial modular Clean Room 2023-03-22
Purification measures and purification scheme for electronic clean workshop
According to the production process requirements of manufacturing enterprises, the purification measures of electronic clean workshop are hot and wet treatment and air supply is the basic purification measures of clean room air conditioning; Refrigeration measures can be determined according to the requirements of clean room purification cooling process, cooling consumption
http://www.cleanroom-china.cnIndustrial modular Clean Room 2023-03-20
What measures are there to control the generation of static electricity in the purification workshop of electronics factory
Nowadays, many industries will use dust-free workshops, but each industry needs a clean workshop will have its own characteristics. For example, the focus of the design and construction of dust-free workshops in electronics factories is electrostatic control. Next, the electronic purification project of Hejie technology will give you a detailed introduction to the electronic purification workshop is how to prevent static electricity
http://www.cleanroom-china.cnIndustrial modular Clean Room 2023-03-20
What measures should be taken to achieve the standard of cleanliness of electronic dust-free workshop
General electronic dust-free workshop has a very clean air volume, in order to achieve such a standard, then it is necessary to choose high energy efficiency or sub-high energy efficiency filter (low clean level as the terminal filter). The air entering the electronic dust-free workshop is protected by terminal grade filtration. Based on more than 10 years of design and construction experience
http://www.cleanroom-china.cnIndustrial modular Clean Room 2023-03-15
Reasons and solutions for common unqualified cleanliness of electronic clean workshop
Electronic clean workshop is a part of the enterprise with particularly large capital investment. After the completion of the construction of clean workshop, whether the design purpose can be achieved (to meet the requirements of product process production and GMP) needs to be confirmed by practical testing
http://www.cleanroom-china.cnIndustrial modular Clean Room 2023-03-13