
What are the main points of electronic clean workshop maintenance

Industrial modular Clean Room time:2022/12/19 15:38:11 click:149

Now every industry enterprise will use the electronic clean workshop, but they use the cleanliness level is different. This kind of electronic clean workshop is generally designed and decorated by a special purification engineering company. Is it once and for all after the completion of the clean workshop, it will be put into use through debugging and acceptance? Xiaobian tells you not, the late need to do a good job of maintenance, in order to better operation!

What are the main points of electronic clean workshop maintenance

It is believed that if every electronic clean workshop can strictly do the above maintenance measures, it can not only play the special bonus role of electronic clean workshop, but also extend the service life of electronic clean workshop. This for any enterprise, can save money to reduce expenses, there is no harm.

Specialized personnel should be designated to regularly monitor the cleanliness of the electronic cleaning shop. The electronic clean workshop must maintain sufficient cleanliness level in order to ensure normal production operation. Therefore, the number of dust particles in the workshop should be detected from March to June. If the number exceeds the standard, it indicates that there is more dust in the workshop.

The staff of the electronic clean workshop need to do a good job of cleaning and cleaning the electronic clean workshop at ordinary times. When cleaning, there should be division of labor and cooperation. All positions in the workshop and all kinds of machines should be cleaned, including the ceiling, lamps, walls, ground, and the workbench and instruments used in the work should be cleaned. The cleaning order is from top to bottom, from the high cleanliness to the low cleanliness.

Make regular inspection to set up fire control and monitoring system in electronic clean shop. Check and set up fire alarm, smoke exhaust, fire protection, accident lighting and other facilities, and take corresponding measures according to the different properties of corrosive, combustible, spontaneous combustion, toxic and other articles, chemicals and gases. In addition, routine troubleshooting should be done, and timely repair should be reported and recorded.