
Clean room standardization

Industrial modular Clean Room time:2022/04/29 16:40:20 click:302

Clean room project is within the scope of a certain space of the particles in the air, bacteria and other pollutants, and the indoor temperature, cleanliness, interior pressure, air velocity and air distribution, noise, vibration and lighting, static control within the scope of a certain demand, and for special build dust-free clean room clean engineering design.
Clean room standardization

Principles of clean room engineering. Clean room is the use of HEPA, air purification equipment, the dust collection rate of 99.97~99.99995%, so the air filtered by this filter can be said to be very clean. However, in addition to people, there are machines and other sources of dust in the clean room. Once the dust diffuses, it is impossible to maintain clean space, so air flow must be used to discharge the dust quickly out of the room.

Three dust in clean room engineering. Dust-free clean room has three principles: dust, dust, dust production. As one of the buffer channels into the clean room, the air shower is one of the best purification equipment to control dust. It can minimize the pollution problems brought by the employees in and out of the clean room. The electronic interlock of the two doors of the air shower room can also play the role of the air lock chamber to prevent external pollution and unpurified air from entering the dust-free clean area to achieve the clean production environment required by the production workshop.